“If we come together, we leave together”. This is a basic rule in many communities that regulates a measure of safety when you’re relying on someone for a ride to any destination that is unfamiliar. But what happens when that rule is broken? The Pitch’d crew can tell you. Listen, like and comment.
Pitch’d & Unscript’d Podcast
Pitch’d & Unscript’d Podcast
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Tap in while Mena & Wilt Chamberlin discuss their views. One of what is still todays most controversial topic. Co parenting & child support…....
Fighting isn’t the only answer to resolving a conflict. When you’re young everything seems to be worth fighting for. This episode the Pitch’d crew...
For the first time the Pitch’d crew invites a special guest Daquan “Wilt” Chamberlin a male POV to discuss, why is it difficult for...