Having a job is essential. Bills have to be paid. But what if you hate the job you have. You hate it so much that is make you depressed, sick, weak, and ashamed just to be. It could be a number of reasons of why you hate your job; the duties that’s required from you, the employees, the customers, management, location or the pay. Of course some would say it’s time to let that job go’ but, is it that simple.
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On this episode the Pitch’d crew link together for the first time since Mena’s bday kickback. Trying to regroup and reprocess the night. We...
The Pitch’d crew invites AJ’s mother, and they discuss and share life experiences; being as transparent as possible. Listen, like and comment. Ig:Rochelles_child Facebook...
One thing about cannabis or any type of medication it would be wise to know your own therapeutic window. Having too much or not...