Often individuals switch up when they are confronted about their opinions and won’t stick to what they originally said. Have they been enlightened on the subject, or embarrassed about what they said or maybe being downright annoying? The Pitch’d crew discuss what they consider “say it with your chest”means. Listen, like and comment.
Facebook :Aaron J Wheeler
Facebook:Melanie Denise
Ig: Novacaine88_
Facebook: Mena Hawkins
The first time we heard about only fans were sometime in 2020 but only fans have been around much longer than that. Our curiosity...
Tap in while Mena & Wilt Chamberlin discuss their views. On the “requirements” of starting a new relationship. No matter if this is a...
Have you ever wanted to say how you felt raw and unfiltered on any topic? We wildly entertain the real conversations. This show is...