Latest Episodes

Tap in to this first episode of 2024!!!! While Mena & Wilt Chamberlin discuss their views. On the different types of double standards that...

Just 40 Dollars?
Is there anything wrong with asking a guy for money? is $40 enough? The Pitch’d crew and special guest takes over this controversial topic....

Bihhhh you better!!!!
Couples do freaky sh*t all the time, but where do you draw the line? The uninvited guest,rodents.. Tune in while Ajay, Mel,and Mena talk...

Ep:147 Can Bisexual Men be Straight Again?
In society now there’s much societal pressure, opposition and controversy whether a once bisexual male could ever be considered straight again. The Pitch’d crew...

Ep: 146 Being Left Behind
“If we come together, we leave together”. This is a basic rule in many communities that regulates a measure of safety when you’re relying...

Ep: 145 Straight Trippin
One thing about cannabis or any type of medication it would be wise to know your own therapeutic window. Having too much or not...