Latest Episodes

You can look but don’t touch!
Not every girl that dresses sexy wants to be touched, this seems to be a problem in our community and females feel victimized when...

Childhood Dreams: Did you achieve them?
Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid? Or what profession you wanted to achieve? Dreams can become reality...

Who Says The Customer Is Always Right?
The most popular statement that is often used in the workplace: “The customer is always right”. The customer is not ALWAYS right. Customers have...

People Just Don’t Club No More
What age do you realize that clubs aren’t fun anymore. As adults, the club scene starts to change you start to realize the over...

Worst date ever
Dating could be just like getting a hair do. If it looks good, you feel good afterwards: Refreshed, confident, with a new look on...

She's Got Jungle Fever
Jungle fever, it’s just a cliché or is love in today’s world is just love. Sometimes you can’t help who you love. Or should...