Peer pressure is talked about so much that it can seem a little bit like a joke, especially when you’re a teenager. But actually experiencing peer pressure can be so uncomfortable. You’ve probably been told to resist peer pressure, you should “just say no,” but surprise: that doesn’t always seem to work. Thankfully the Pitch’d crew have relatable experiences in battling, giving in and conquering peer pressure. Like, comment, and share.
Mena_Hawkins Aaron J Wheeler
Melanie Denise
Aaron J Wheeler
Melanie Denise
Mena Hawkins
Pitch’d & Unscript’d Podcas
It’s true opposites attract, but this isn’t always a good thing, especially when it comes to intimacy when one partner has too high or...
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Fighting isn’t the only answer to resolving a conflict. When you’re young everything seems to be worth fighting for. This episode the Pitch’d crew...