It’s true opposites attract, but this isn’t always a good thing, especially when it comes to intimacy when one partner has too high or too low of a sex drive it can destroy a relationship. There are many factors that come into play with this problem. This can’t just be a millennial thing. The Pitch’d crew breaks down their reason on this topic. Listen ,like and comment.
Pitch’d & Unscript’d Podcast
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Tap in to this first episode of 2024!!!! While Mena & Wilt Chamberlin discuss their views. On the different types of double standards that...
Did you know that there’s more than just one type of relationship out there? In today’s world, there are a variety of open relationships...
Tap in while Mena & Wilt Chamberlin discuss their views. On the “requirements” of starting a new relationship. No matter if this is a...